After another successful year of the WeSTEM Participatory Science Programme in west Auckland, Te Hononga Akoranga COMET is excited to announce that our 2023 funding round is now open for applications.
WeSTEM offers an opportunity for groups to access the resources and support they need to tackle a big question or solve a problem using science, technology, engineering, arts and maths (STEAM). Each group can apply for up to $10,000 (excluding GST). The deadline for applications is Monday, March 13th.
WeSTEM funding specifically promotes project-based learning in Pacific communities in west Auckland. Project manager, Sneh Patel, says that there is a wealth of untapped talent in Pacific rangatahi in STEAM, which is evidenced by the underrepresentation of this group in STEAM fields. “You don’t need to look far to see how STEAM is inherent in their history: without this knowledge, they could not have voyaged the oceans. We want to inspire the Pacific rangatahi of today to show them what they are capable of and the endless possibilities that STEAM can present for their futures.”
Participatory science is a unique opportunity to engage young students in STEAM pathways as it is hands-on, relevant and exposes students to a wide range of experiences. The projects allow young people to be active participants in the process of science, from project design, through data collection, prototyping, data analysis, forming conclusions and communicating them back to your wider community.
To find out more and/or get started on an application, please contact Sneh Patel on 021 517 132; email or visit the WeSTEM webpage.
WeSTEM is an initiative of Te Hononga Akoranga COMET and is supported by the Ministry of Pacific People’s Toloa Community Impact Fund.