
Supporting our rangatahi into employment: “Partnerships built and maintained over the years yield a range of important benefits.”

14 November 2021
Shirley Transparent

Teena koutou katoa #

In this update we profile four highly successful YEP provider - business partnerships. You will notice similar important practice themes in these stories, built on time, high degrees of mutual trust and respect.

Partnerships built and maintained over the years yield a range of important benefits. Making time to maintain these relationships is not always easy to do when we get busy. We are all guilty of responding to squeaky wheels and not investing enough time in our loyal and dependable partnerships that quietly get on with the mahi. 

This could be a great time to give some thought to how to acknowledge all the businesses you have worked with this year. Not only will it be more likely the business will work with you next year, but also it is a great way to build the YEP brand and reinforce the narrative that investing in building future skills is of priceless importance. 

Here are the top 10 characteristics of good partnerships that I have observed over the years. Have a read and see what area’s you shine in, and which you may want to focus more on in the New Year.

1) Honesty 

2) Competence 

3) Clear roles and responsibilities 

4) Transparent expectations of values, behaviour and attitudes 

5) Reliability and Dependability 

6) Great communication 

7) Accountability 

8) A good sense of humour and acceptance that mistakes and problems will happen 

9) Not holding on to resentments 

10) Being positive, supportive and friendly and kind

Thanks to all of you for your tireless mahi and the wonderful outcomes that are being achieved in such a challenging year.

Ngā mihi mahana,
